Check your office for compliance with the A.S. Sustainability Policy! Look for ALL of the following, and contact us if anything isn’t what it should be:
- A sticker on the light switch reminding occupants to turn off the lights
- A recycling bin next to every landfill/trash bin
- An accessible compost bin (may not be in every office, but should be at least one per floor/building)
- An accessible electronic waste bin
- Signs for all compost, recycling, electronic waste and landfill bins saying what goes in each
- Enough reusable cups, plates, and utensils that daily occupants do not need to use disposables
- Enough compostable cups, plates, and utensils for office guests as needed
- A spray bottle of Green Seal certified all-purpose cleaner (free from the Environmental Programs Advisor, just ask!)
- A labeled place for scrap paper
- If your office uses batteries for anything, a battery charger
- If your office is a large space, LED task lighting for individual desks so use of overhead lights is minimized
Make sure your office does NOT use any of the following:
- Single-serving coffee makers (Keurig, etc)
- Plastic or styrofoam plates, cups, or utensils
- Single-use water bottles
- Space heaters (except during winter break when building heat is sometimes turned off)
If you have any questions or need help bringing your office up to date, please don’t hesitate to contact us!